Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Coming To An End

Coming To An End
    As classes have finally come to an end it feels appropriate for me to reflect on my CSC165 experience. Coming into the course I didn't have a clue as to what to expect. The whole course was like no other course I'd ever taken before probably due to the fact that it was very theoretical. It really required a lot of thinking and deep understanding of the concepts to be successful. It wasn't so much memorizing equations and "plugging and chugging" as the phrase goes. It broadened the whole computer science view exposing us to concepts none or at least most of us hadn't ever been exposed to. I've already enrolled in CSC240 for next semester as the whole theoretical computer science field really intrigues me. Although still early on I'm planning on doing a Theory of Computation Computer Science Specialist. Overall the whole course was a pleasure to have been able to take and would definitely recommend to others. 

Mathematical Induction

Mathematical Induction
   With the introduction of simple mathematical induction comes an interesting view as opposed to that which is taught in MAT137. We were presented with the idea of using boolean values to express mathematical inductions such as if P(0) is equal to true, then mathematical induction would dictate that all values of P(x) would also be true. That assuming the function holds for all values of x. Otherwise we would get false values ridden within function results. And not so that we could pick the start point somewhere later. More so how we were taught mathematical induction in MAT137 was demonstrated really well by another student Christian in his slog entry. He took a more mathematical approach testing the base case 1, assuming the case of n and showing that the case of n + 1 holds for various functions. Overall I can see the practicality of mathematical induction for proofs and am interested in the various over mathematical induction methods.

The Halting Function

The Halting Function
    With the introduction of the halting function, it brings up an interesting concept. The way I see it is we create a function which has two outputs and then create the body of the function which emulates these two functions. So in essence the definition of the outputs is what's making such a function be impossible to implement. Furthermore when we use reduction to prove other functions as also being impossible to implement, using the halting functions definition simply allows us to make the second function meet its description as long as we somehow implement a piece of code where the function can either halt or not halt. As another student Ji stated on his blogger, even with Turing complete programming languages some programs are impossible to write. I recall reading about how in practice, some situations may be similar to the halting function in the sense that what they're trying to solve is not computable. And so the program designed would be aimed at optimizing a solution and then finding a better one. This would be run over and over so in essence its finding a better solution compared to the current solution. If a solution to the halting function were created, I'm not so sure as to the practicality of it save for those cases which model the halting problem. 
    I'm interested in further such examples of these theoretical computer science cases and am looking forward to learning more about them. In regards to the halting problem I don't see a solution arising unless the program can determine whether or not it will run infinitely. This would require quite a lot of intuition on the programs part. We've probably not gotten to that point yet in machine learning and artificial intelligence as we still haven't solved this problem yet. On that note though and with figures such as Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking warning us about advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence I'd probably lean towards not getting to that point.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Big Omega

Big Omega
    With the introduction of big omega we developed a number of different related proofs. In comparison to big o proofs, big omega proofs seem as if they deal more heavily with variables in terms of other variables as opposed to concrete expressions of an nth degree. Or at least that's what differentiates our big omega examples from the big o ones. In fact I'm curious to see how we'll develop the big theta idea which will essentially combine the big o and big omega ideas into one.
    As I started working on my third assignment in CSC108, going through the programming I had the mindset of minimizing runtime. I didn't necessarily go through a whole proof analyzing the total number of steps yet I did try to reduce everything to the lowest big o notation it could be while still performing the given task. This really did help with runtime efficiency which was a problem in the CSC108 assignment two.
    Another point I'd like to bring up is the runtime analysis of various sorting algorithms. I'm curious as to whether this runtime is variable in certain situations based on what algorithm is used. I'd assume it is as it'd make sense that if certain algorithms were better suited in different situations then the runtime would vary dependent on what situation is currently occurring. All in all, I certainly appreciate the whole run time analysis of this course and see it's usefulness in computer science. 

Monday, 10 November 2014

Sorting Algorithms

Sorting Algorithms
    As we have been learning about algorithms, in particular the big o definition and run time, I find that talking about various other sorting methods would be pertaining to this course. This week in CSC108 we've just begun discussing various algorithm sorting techniques. These include binary sort, bubble sort, insertion sort and selection sort. After hearing about the concept behind binary sort it got me thinking if it were possible to somehow further implement an algorithm which could divide a list n times and do a similar analysis to further speed up run time. I don't think it's possible with what we've been taught in CSC108 up until this point. Regarding the remaining three algorithms I don't have much to say as each one is better suited for a different circumstance. In regards to further big o analysis, the disproving that a function was not in O(n^2) came rather naturally. I'm quite surprised at how fast university has gone by already and am shocked that in about three weeks we'll be done with classes.

Monday, 3 November 2014

The Big O - Insertion Sort Worst Case Scenario

The Big O - Insertion Sort Worst Case Scenario
    To begin, this is my interpretation of how the Big O proof works. As our focus this week was on the Big O, so will my slog be to try to better understand the concept. What we were looking at was the worst case scenario of using insertion sort on an array and the number of iterations the worst case scenario would fall in-between. As the proof goes, we would B have some value such that n or the length of our array A would be greater or equal to B. This would then imply that W of n is less than or equal to some value of c times n squared for the upper bound of the range and greater than or equal to some value of c times n squared for the lower bound of the range. From here, based on our code we overestimated the upper boundary and underestimated the lower boundary to be sure that the worst case scenario would fall within these two values. Its taken some thinking to get used to the idea but I've come to understand it.
     I'm quite curious as to how the average case and best case scenarios would work now. I've really been enjoying this class and have been thinking more and more about continuing further in this sub-field of computer science. The whole algorithmic analysis concept really intrigues me and I must say that this is probably my favorite course that I'm currently taking.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Penny Piles

Penny Piles
    As the problem goes, we essentially have to organize the distribution of pennies in correspondence to the two rules we are given. In other words we can only transfer pennies from one of the drawers to the other if the number of pennies in the drawers is even. My plan at first was to try and find some sort of way to prove that not all the numbers blow our threshold were obtainable. In addition, we know that we only have to prove half of the values below the threshold as when you prove one half you prove the other. For instance if you prove that you can get the number 63, you know that you can get the number one in the other drawer and so on. From here I denoted the amount of pennies in the left drawer as x and the amount of pennies in the right drawer as y with their sum having to add to 64. Then I essentially created a factor tree.
    As we must follow those two rules given to us, we can say that division is closed for these integers otherwise it would break the whole problem. If it weren't closed then we'd be able to take half of odd amounts of pennies and move them to the other side. After this point I began thinking about how we could prove that we could obtain any combination. My thought process is similar to proofs we did in class in regards to denoting some new variable as an instance of the x + y = 64 relationship. As such since integer division in this case is closed this would be correct. However the problem I'm having is proving that this applies to every value less than the threshold. Aside from showing that we can obtain every combination by actually doing it out, I haven't found a way to prove this. The route I'm thinking of taking is first showing that we can obtain all the prime numbers below the threshold and from here get every other result.