Monday 10 November 2014

Sorting Algorithms

Sorting Algorithms
    As we have been learning about algorithms, in particular the big o definition and run time, I find that talking about various other sorting methods would be pertaining to this course. This week in CSC108 we've just begun discussing various algorithm sorting techniques. These include binary sort, bubble sort, insertion sort and selection sort. After hearing about the concept behind binary sort it got me thinking if it were possible to somehow further implement an algorithm which could divide a list n times and do a similar analysis to further speed up run time. I don't think it's possible with what we've been taught in CSC108 up until this point. Regarding the remaining three algorithms I don't have much to say as each one is better suited for a different circumstance. In regards to further big o analysis, the disproving that a function was not in O(n^2) came rather naturally. I'm quite surprised at how fast university has gone by already and am shocked that in about three weeks we'll be done with classes.

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